Project Description


It is not uncommon to see Terry  behind Riverview 500 sitting in the courtyard to watch chittering squirrels or feeding baby geese down by the river walk.

“Since I was a  child, I always got along better with animals than people– at 61, I’m still the same,” Terry said. Terry has been a resident at Riverview since 2014 and values her privacy and pets above anything else.  

At Riverview, Terry and her cat have their own apartment the freedom to take care of her own schedule and meals. “This place is perfect for me,” she says, “It’s quiet and I don’t have people knocking on my door all the time.”   

On days when Terry is feeling more social, she has the opportunity to participate in weekly group activities, grab lunch in the dining hall, or chat with other in one of the lounges. “The people here are good people,” She says, “nice and quiet–I feel very safe and secure”